Coconut oil treatment for your hair


Coconut oil treatment for your hair

I do coconut oil treatments on my hair very often.  It helps restore moisture in my hair.  I have bleached my hair so this helps it bounce back and make it look healthy again!
Here is what you will need:
1. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (you can get this at a market or your local drugstore)
2. Any regular bowl
3. A shower cap or plastic bag

I got this at Walmart for $10 and it has lasted me for many many months!
First thing you will need to do:
You would have to put about three teaspoons in a bowl or you can put as much as you would like.

This is how it will look like.
Next thing you will have to do:
Put the bowl in the microwave for 15-20 seconds to make it a liquid substance.

It will look like this after you take it out of the microwave.
Third thing you would have to do:
Now you can dip your hair in the bowl and spread the oil all over your hair.  Make sure your hair is dry and unwashed.   You can do this treatment before you take a shower or wash your hair.  
Once you have all the oil all over your hair (make sure to really get the ends which is the driest and oldest part of your hair) 
It will look like this

Put it in a bun and cover your hair with a shower cap or a plastic bag to help keep the heat in.
You can keep this on overnight also if you want!

You can put heat on your hair to open up the cuticles of your hair so that the oil really absorbs into your hair.  With a blow dryer you can blow dry your hair for about 10 minutes and you can then wash your hair.
If you do not wish to put heat on your hair you can just keep your hair in the shower cap or plastic bag for 30 mins.

Now you can wash your hair!!
Try washing your hair with lukewarm water or cold water that helps close the cuticles of your hair.
Make sure to shampoo your hair two times and just condition your ends.

Your end result will be shiny soft hair!!!!!

Follow me on instagram @mickeygonzalez_ for more pictures!